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Modest Cuixart “Destello”

Please find details of “Destello” by Modest Cuixart

Modest Cuixart i Tàpies, a Catalan painter, who had created the unique universe of surrealist landscapes with geometric symbols and bizarre creatures. There is always a sense of mystery and magic in Cuixart’s art. 

In the end of the 50s experimentations lead Cuixart to sublimating matter. He was adding drip technique to his canvases using metallic colors for it. Spanish poet and art critic called Cuixart’s “metaphysics of matter — Transinformalism”. The painter combined features Informalism with Dada and Surrealism. His main inspiration were the works by Max Ernst, Paul Klee, and Joan Miro.


Painting “Destello” has gold paints, featuring the outline of a face. Destello translates from Spanish as sparkle, flash or blink. The canvas depicts harlequin appearing from the mind of a bigger character, which occur on the bright greenish vibrant background. So, the more figurative clown comes from the abstract mask, probably, referring to the game of imagination and inspiration. Gold decoration, as the ornaments create the fabulous theatrical atmosphere, the “sparkle” on the stage as well in the brain, when captured by the brilliant encouraging sudden thought. The mask seems to curve as the question mark posed by a ‘nose” of the bigger face – black symbol, that resembles a musical note or letter.

In addition, 

Check another piece by Modest Cuixart – “Buenos Aires”. Even though it the composition seems to be resembling “Destello”, the colors create more oppressive and cold atmosphere.

Besides, take a look at our blog about Joan Miro and his pieces, that we can offer from our collection.

Kings Gallery is a leading fine art gallery established in Jerusalem in 1995. We strive to collect and sell the highest quality historic and contemporary Israeli and International art. The gallery specializes primarily in artists from the early period of the 1920’s. Besides, Kings Gallery features leading up-and-coming young artists who will definitely be prominent names in the next few years.

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+ (972) 50 258 8951 


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