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Inhabitants of the Holy city

Kings gallery has a large selection of works dedicated to Jerusalem. The city has been a source of inspiration for many artists for centuries. However, inhabitants formed the city to a great extent and should be described separately.

Some of the artists inscribe their heroes inside pictorial districts and thin streets, leaving the focus on the atmosphere of Jerusalem. Others create portraits and show the challenging stories of the people in the foreground.

Zvi Raphaelli

Zvi Raphaelli, impressionist painter, conveyed the sense of the city through the location and the appearance of standing closely historic buildings. In his “Jerusalem alleyway” or “Jerusalem street” houses seem to pressure the couple of figures. People are inscribed inside the architecture of the passage. In contrast, Zvi Raphaelli created portraits, such as expressionist “Portrait of a man”, in which residents and their wise sights tell the stories.

Ora Nissim

Many artworks by Ora Nissim are also connected with the life of Jerusalem. “Chasidic dancing”, “The Chavruta”, “Chasid portrait” show prayers in the moment of their spiritual ascent. In colorful paintings Ora Nissim shows men whirling in the joy and the passion of the G-d’s worship.

Wonderful views of the city, such as “Jerusalem in purple”, “The Western wall”, “Jerusalem in gold”, or “Birkat Cohanim” insert people inside the city, the view of which plays the main role and form the mood. Buildings and, specifically, the Western wall are luminous, striving upward.

Zvi Malnovitzer

Art of Zvi Malnovitzer and, especially, his meaningful portraits are often considered to be inspired by works of Rembrandt van Rijn. He has created beautiful Jerusalem city landscapes, with squares crowded with people, such as “Night in Jerusalem”. Crescent moon magically illuminates the street, making it full of light reflections. The same effect with light accent on the bride and faces of guests in “Wedding” fascinates viewers.

Besides, his memorable paintings, in which glances and separate persons are emphasized are unique. “Rabbi and his student” are almost alive sitting in front of each other, their emotions are depicted precisely. ”Woman in the market” is stretching her hand out asking for the support. Interestingly, spectators feel her even though her face is vague. Expressionist “Portrait” tells the story of the old man through his sad deep eyes. Furthermore, psychologically dense and emotionally suggestive painting forms the spiritual space around the figure of old Jerusalem thinker.

People of Jerusalem are mysterious and unique. The Holy ancient city influences their perspectives on life.

Kings Gallery is a leading fine art gallery established in Jerusalem in 1995. We strive to collect and sell the highest quality historic and contemporary Israeli and International art. Especially, the gallery specializes in artists from the early period of the 1920’s. In addition, Kings Gallery features leading up-and-coming young artists who will definitely be prominent names in the next few years.

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10 Shlomzion Hamalka st, Jerusalem 9414610
+ (972) 50 258 8951 


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