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“Geometric shapes” by Ben Nicholson

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Ben Nicholson was an American painter and abstract sculptor. He was the son of the artists William Nicholson and Mabel Pryde. His father was mostly a still life painter, he influenced the early paintings of Ben. However, already in the 1920s Ben Nicholson began creating figurative and abstract works. Particularly, inspired by Post Impressionism and Cubism, Ben Nicholson made his first geometric and abstract reliefs in 1933.

His first solo exhibition took place at the Twenty-one Gallery, London in 1924. The artist won the prestigious Carnegie Prize in 1952. Furthermore, he was a recepient of the first Guggenheim International painting prize in 1956.

“Geometric shapes”

The idea of Ben Nicholson and his circle was to apply constructivist principles to public and private art. Especially, they were against ornaments and advocated for clean lines. Artworks were created with mathematical precision.

“Geometric shapes” consist of rectangular and circular forms. The colors are a bit mutted, used to divide the pieces. The largest number of fugures crossings is in the center of the painting. Therefore, the main and the first spectators’ focus is on the content of the orange rectangle. Also, Ben Nicholson conveys multiple layering with only color transformations without pointing on the volume of objects. He analyzes the overlappings of semi-transparent tints.

The artworks by Ben Nicholson are, probably, a kind of a forerunner of modern architecture. He places geometric forms in dynamic relation and influence viewers’ perception.

Kings gallery has a large selection of abstract art. For instance, the blog about Geometrics by Yaacov Agam might be interesting.

Kings Gallery is a leading fine art gallery established in Jerusalem in 1995. We strive to collect and sell the highest quality historic and contemporary Israeli and International art. Especially, the gallery specializes in artists from the early period of the 1920’s. In addition, Kings Gallery features leading up-and-coming young artists who will definitely be prominent names in the next few years.

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