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“Double side” by Béla Kádár

Please find details of Double side” by Béla Kádár on our website.

Béla Kádár is a famous member of the early twentieth-century Hungarian avant-garde. Since early childhood, future artist was an apprentice in a lathe. The later work experience in the mural company in Budapest introduced Béla Kádár to painting. His first important exhibition took place at Herwarth Walden’s Galerie Der Sturm in Berlin in October 1923. There Kádár presented works in an expressionist style.

Hungarian folklore

The unique artistic approach was formed as the result of analysis of Constructivism, Cubism, German Expressionism and also Futurism. However, he wanted to find a way to transmit to spectators fantastic plots from traditional Hungarian folklore. Kádár’s palette included variety of saturated bright colors, which fluently transform one into each other. Moreover, artist created unique atmosphere of magical landscapes, flying figures and unrealistic objects.

Double side

Double side painting contains two separate stories. Particularly, female figures in the fabulous headdresses fill the space. The central enchanted head on the first side is without sight. Mythical creatures seem to hypnotize viewers. Additionally to memorable glances of heroines, the fingers in the left part of the work attract attention. Their position reminds a gesture of invitation to join. Brownish and greenish colors are reminiscent of magic and fictional medieval storylines. 

The second side has different mood. The palette here is much darker and sinister. People are hidden behind two enormous figures. Furthermore, one of them dominates over another one. The pale face with scarlet lips has strange, faraway look. Ancient ornaments that include the second countenance create the atmosphere of mysticism.

Kings Gallery is a leading fine art gallery established in Jerusalem in 1995. We strive to collect and sell the highest quality historic and contemporary Israeli and International art. Especially the gallery specializes in artists from the early period of the 1920’s. In addition, Kings Gallery features leading up-and-coming young artists who will definitely be prominent names in the next few years.

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10 Shlomzion Hamalka st, Jerusalem 9414610
+ (972) 50 258 8951 


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