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Adonay Duque “Six Figures”

Please find details of “Six Figures” by Adonay Duque

After had been seen for a moment faces of “Six figures” got stuck in the imagination. Direct looks full of sadness and suffer make the audience feeling helpless and at the same time defenseless. Straight glances except of one in the left corner, wide open eyes and intense colors captivate. They cannot go out, even thought the fence is so fragile. Or, maybe, these are the viewers who are trapped. 

Thinking about the style of Adonay Duque, one could feature references to the Byzantine art, expressionism, as well as the Mexican muralist school.

Dramatic in the plot and in the technique, artworks are full of mystery. Firm brushstrokes, expressive tints progression on the figures’ skin and clothes enrich the tension. 

The Venezuelan critic, researcher and art historian Juan Carlos Palenzuela speaks of Duque’s work like this: “His are not models in particular but ‘portraits that arise from a process of stains’ […]”.

Duque analyzed the cultural roots of his native land, Coro. The artist himself pointed out, that his “work has a lot of colonial baroque”. Furthermore, the style, palette and the compositions of Duque’s artworks usually bring them close to the religious. In particular, it is due to the correlation of enveloping enigmatic backgrounds with the faces posed outward.

In addition,

Check our blog about  “Candle lighting” by Yosl Bergner, a depiction of secret mystical ritual. Israeli artist worked on fabulous plots in the expressive manner. In his art he created the unique fairy world of kind sad dreamers and butterflies, which is full of allusions to the challenges of the modern world.

Kings Gallery is a leading fine art gallery established in Jerusalem in 1995. We strive to collect and sell the highest quality historic and contemporary Israeli and International art. The gallery specializes in artists from the early period of the 1920’s. In addition, Kings Gallery features leading up-and-coming young artists who will definitely be prominent names in the next few years.

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+ (972) 50 258 8951 


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