Please find our selection of artworks by Yaacov Agam Yaacov Agam is worldwide famous Israeli kinetic artist. His works have been widely exhibited all over the world, including galleries in Paris, Amsterdam, Düsseldorf and New York. Particularly, his color transformations can influence the mood and predetermine emotions. As…
Please find our selection of artworks by Yaacov Agam Yaacov Agam is worldwide famous Israeli kinetic artist. The artist has been widely exhibited all over the world, including galleries in Paris, Amsterdam, Düsseldorf and New York. His color transformations can influence the mood and predetermine…
Kinetic art or Kineticism is a trend in contemporary art that depends on motion for its effects. It includes the real movement of the entire work or its individual components. Artists revive objects by motors or structure works so that they are responsive to the…
Вы можете увидеть работы Яaкова Агама, представленные в галерее Kings Яаков Агам известен как новатор и экспериментатор. Он работает с оптическим и кинетическим искусством, в особенности с трехмерными картинами и скульптурами. Работы Агама погружают зрителей в лабиринты цветовых переходов и отражений. Зрители могут влиять на…
View Artworks by Yaacov Agam Yaacov Agam is an innovator, pioneer and experimenter. He deals with optical and kinetic art. Especially he is best known for three-dimensional paintings and sculptures. Yaacov Agam invites viewers into the labyrinths of color transformations and their reflections. Spectators participate…