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Mezuzah from Kings Gallery

We would like to offer several kinds of artistic mezuzah, that can add elegant accents to interiors of every space.

The commandment to hang mezuzahs on doorposts of a house and on gates is given twice in the Torah. Rambam explains: “The commandment to have a mezuzah reminds us every time we enter or leave the house about G-d’s unity and proper love for Him.” Importantly, Mezuzah has nothing in common with an amulet (a special item designed to protect its owner).

Interestingly, the oldest extant Mezuzas date back to the Second Temple period.

The Chagall Mezuzah – I am the Lord thy God

This Chagall Mezuzah is certified to be an authentic and original creation, crafted by Menahem Berman and ARTA Gallery, in limited edition of 5748 copies. Particularly, the exquisite glass housing is set in a 24K gold-plated bronze case, and the unique eighteen-color lithograph, appropriately selected from the Chagall painting “I AM THE LORD THE GOD”, is printed on 220 G. Papier d’Arches. Moreover, the lithograph and case each bears a facsimile of the artist’s signature. Marc Chagall is a famous for his works with emotional and poetic associations, for his unique dream-like easily recognizable style. 

“The Agam Mezuzah” by Yaacov Agam

Images of geometric figures and the shape of “The Agam Mezuzah” box form Magen Davids. Moreover, depending on the angle from which the spectator is looking at the Mezuzah box, he sees different pictures. Additionally, you can find more incofrmation about this piece and the art by Yaacov Agam in general in our blog.

The Chagall Mezuzah Series

Also, we have The Chagall mezuzah collection, that is a limited edition art project. In particular, this edition, consists of 1,800 sets of 12 Mezuzah casings, one for each of the tribes of Israel. Enclosed within, on fine 300gr. art paper, are full-color silkscreen prints of the Chaggal artworks.

Kings Gallery is a leading fine art gallery established in Jerusalem in 1995. With over 20 years of experience, Kings Gallery strives to collect and sell the highest quality historic and contemporary International art. The gallery specializes in artists from the early period of the 1920’s. Also, Kings Gallery features leading up-and-coming young artists who will be prominent names in the next few years.

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10 Shlomzion Hamalka st, Jerusalem 9414610
+ (972) 50 258 8951 


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