Yaacov Agam is a worldwide famous Israeli kinetic artist. He is famous for a type of print known as Agamograph, that uses barrier-grid animation. Therefore, depending on the angle of looking, totally different images appear. For Yaacov Agam it is especially important to involve spectators into…
Please find details of “Symphony XIX” by Yaacov Agam Yaacov Agam is a worldwide famous Israeli kinetic artist. His works have been widely exhibited all over the world, including galleries in Paris, Amsterdam, Düsseldorf and New York. Particularly, his color transformations can influence the mood and predetermine…
Please check details of “Had Gadya” by Yaacov Agam Had Gadya is a Jewish Passover song written in Aramaic. Traditionally, everyone at the table sings it at the end of the post-meal ceremonies on the first and second evenings of Passover. In particular, it is a…
We would like to offer several kinds of artistic mezuzah, that can add elegant accents to interiors of every space. The commandment to hang mezuzahs on doorposts of a house and on gates is given twice in the Torah. Rambam explains: “The commandment to…
Please find our selection of artworks by Yaacov Agam Yaacov Agam is famous for kinetic and optical artworks. He is best-known for three-dimensional paintings and sculptures. Especially one type of prints, that uses barrier-grid animation, has its name after the artist – “Agamograph”. Yaacov Agam invites viewers into the labyrinths…