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Tag: Jerusalem art

Nachum Gutman - Laundries - Oil on Cardboard

“Laundries” by Nachum Gutman

Please find details of “Laundries” by Nachum Gutman The unique style of Gutman includes a combination of French primitive-naive art, Expressionism and post-impressionism, "Laundries" relate to the latter. The woman on the left has turned away. Detached from her mechanical work she fascinates the viewers, inviting to…

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reuven rubin - road to safed -oil on canvas - 60 x 73

Reuven Rubin “Road to Safed”

Please find details of “Road to Safed” by Reuven Rubin Elegant old olives trees surround the way of a traveler with a donkey. Rubin gives to the trees living characters. Created with impressionistic technique and restrained colors, everything is soft and weightless. The land and…

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enashe Kadishman - Red sheep - acrylic on canvas - 120X120 cm

“Red sheep” by Menashe Kadishman

Details of “Red sheep” by Menashe Kadishman Menashe Kadishman is a famous Israeli artist, who often challenged and surprised audiences. Particularly, he is best remembered as the sculptor and painter who created a great variety of sheep images in different styles. “Red Sheep” This large piece is…

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"Beyond believe" By Yaacov Agam Paris, 1985-1989 Acrylic on Metal, 39x30 cm

Yaacov Agam “Beyond believe”

Please find details of “Beyond believe” by Yaacov Agam Yaacov Agam is a worldwide famous Israeli artist. He has created a type of print known as Agamograph, that uses barrier-grid animation. Yaacov Agam involves spectators into the art or performances. Viewers are able to influence artistic creation, especially…

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10 Shlomzion Hamalka st, Jerusalem 9414610
+ (972) 50 258 8951 


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