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“Adam and Eve” by Marc Chagall

Please view details of “Adam and Eve” by Marc Chagall

Hand colored etching “Adam and Eve” shows the first people in the Paradise Garden. Adam is lying on the ground with a jug in his hand. The abundance of Heaven conveyed through intense green color and detailed view of the plants. Probably, Marc Chagall depicted the episode after the first sin, when Adam and Eve got ashamed of their nudity. Eva is holding “coats of skin” that were provided by G-d when they fell to state of guilty disobedience, before the expulsion from Paradise. Also, the faces of heroes are fraught with confusion and tension.

Marc Chagall is one of the most oustanding artists. As he described: “My art does not reason, it is molten lead, the azure of the soul pouring on the canvas”. A master of Russian avant-garde never turned to abstraction, working in the limits of figurative painting. His world connected fantasy and reality in the fabulous, kind and tender way. His characters are harmious and organic in the surrounding space full of flying people and animals with human looks and emotions.


Our gallery has several items inspired by Chagall’s unique dream-like easily recognizable style. For instance, Chagall Mezuzah is the exquisite glass housing set in a 24K gold-plated bronze case, and the unique eighteen-color lithograph with a facsimile of the artist’s signature. Additionally, we offer The Chagall mezuzah collection consisting of 1,800 sets of 12 Mezuzah casings. Each casing refers to one of the tribes of Israel.

Kings Gallery is a leading fine art gallery established in Jerusalem in 1995. We strive to collect and sell the highest quality historic and contemporary Israeli and International art. Especially, the gallery specializes in artists from the early period of the 1920’s. Besides, Kings gallery features leading up-and-coming young artists who will definitely be prominent names in the next few years. 

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10 Shlomzion Hamalka st, Jerusalem 9414610
+ (972) 50 258 8951 


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