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Itzo Rimmer - Negba- Oil on canvas - 80x100 cm

“Negba” by Itzu Rimmer

Please see further details of “Negba” by Itzu Rimmer Negba is a kibbutz in southern Israel. Interestingly, its name means "southward" in Biblical Hebrew. G-d commanded Abraham to travel towards the north, south, east and west, that is how this word determined the location. In…

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Mane Katz - Two Hassids - Oil on canvas - 117x98 cm

“Two Chassids” by Mane-Katz

Please view details of “Two Chassids” by Mane-Katz The traditional realistic portrait of two men fascinates with the conveyed accuracy of characters. Emmanuel Mané-Katz illuminates the faces, creating the light aura around the head of the right chassid. Subdued colors and the composition resemble paintings of the Renaissance.…

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Menashe Kadishman - Two Goats - Acrylic on canvas - 120X160 cm

“Two Goats” by Menashe Kadishman

Please view details of “Two Goats” by Menashe Kadishman Although widely recognized as a sculptor, Menashe Kadishman is famous for hundreds of portraits of sheep each one different from another. However, in this blog I would like to write about the painting with two goats. “Two Goats” A…

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Moshe Tamir - Two Figures - Oil on Canvas - 100x80 cm

“Two Figures” by Moshe Tamir

Please find details of “Two Figures” by Moshe Tamir Moshe Tamir (Tulchinsky) (1924-2004) was born in Odessa, he moved to Israel with the family when he was 3 years old. The artist received international education, started from Bezalel in Jerusalem, then continued at the Academy…

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Itzhak Tarkay - Lady and a Vase - Oil on canvas - 120x118 cm

“Lady and a Vase” by Itzchak Tarkay

Please view details of “Lady and a Vase” by Itzchak Tarkay Itzhak Tarkay created his own world of beautiful discerning ladies. He is well-known as one of the central figures in the modern Israeli figurative movement. The painter and graphic artist found inspiration in French Impressionism and Post-Impressionism,…

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10 Shlomzion Hamalka st, Jerusalem 9414610
+ (972) 50 258 8951 


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