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Paintings by Menashe Kadishman

Menashe Kadishman is a famous Israeli artist, who often challenged and surprised audiences. He is best remembered as the sculptor and painter who created a great variety of sheep images in different styles. Kings gallery has a big collection of artworks by Menashe Kadishman, including multiple paintings and sculptures.

“Gesture to Mondriaan”

Kings gallery has two artworks from “Gesture to Mondriaan” series by Menashe Kadishman. The first “Gesture to Mondriaan” reminds of Mondriaan’s “Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow”. Kadishman works with an interaction of absract and naturalistic, also, divides the form and content. Mondriaan called his style Neo-Plasticism or “The New Plastic Painting,” his idea was to depict the structure of reality in reduced to the simplest of rectilinear forms, squares and rectangles defined by vertical and horizontal lines. 

The second “Gesture to Mondriaan” has another combination of colors – yellow, blue and their tints. The sheep’s shape instantly appears in the mind.

“The Shepherd”

The image of shepherd is common in the art of Menashe Kadishman due to the experience as a shepherd in a kibbutz (a collective Israeli community) in his youth. 

In the right part of “The Shepherd” there is a face of an enormous figure encircling and flowing around everything. Moreover, he even seems to blow winds and organize artistic reality. The figure protects and control the center of the composition depicting a flock of sheep. Multicolored airflows appear to be a part of this element, that contains inside the whole space. In the left part of the painting there is another silhoutte, probably, a shepherd, who directs the sheep to the sovereign of this realm.

“Сrowned sheep”

In tender work “Two crowned sheep” an accent is on the striking wreath and hat. Sometimes a crown seems to be an attribute of a character. Instantly, “Dark crowned sheep” looks sinister. Her head-dress closes her eyes, thus, it appears to be cunning and wicked. Shades and saturated colors add anxiety to the artwork, especially rich yellow. On the contrary, “Three crowned sheep” include three different piercing gazes. Particularly, there is a sensation, that viewer is analyzed for three perspectives.

Kings Gallery is a leading fine art gallery established in Jerusalem in 1995. With over 20 years of experience, Kings Gallery strives to collect and sell the highest quality historic and contemporary International art. The gallery specializes in artists from the early period of the 1920’s. Also, Kings Gallery features leading up-and-coming young artists who will be prominent names in the next few years.

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10 Shlomzion Hamalka st, Jerusalem 9414610
+ (972) 50 258 8951 


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