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Albert Goldman - Rabbi - Oil on canvas - 65x55 cm

Art by Albert Goldman

Albert Goldman was born in 1922 in Egypt. He studied art in Alexandria. In 1951, the painter immigrated to Israel, there he spent all his subsequent life depicting the natural beauty of the country. In particular, his works has unique shine, that together with light…

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Yossef Douer - Chassidic dancing in pastel - Oil on canvas - 70x50 cm

Chassidic dancing by Yosef Douer

Our gallery has three depictions of Chassidic dancing by Yosef Douer (1935-2012), a contemporary Israeli artist, who worked and lived in Jerusalem. Also, he was a Rabbi in yeshiva. You can find his biography and several artwork descriptions in our blog.  “Chassidic dancing” Three chassids…

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Zahava Lupu - Abstract - Oil on canvas - 68x98 cm

Our abstract collection

In this blog we would like to focus on nonobjective art by Israeli artist. As Mark Rothko wrote about the abstract art, forms on the paintings were actors, their actions might not be predicted in advance, only in the end we could understand their functions. Moreover, the function…

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10 Shlomzion Hamalka st, Jerusalem 9414610
+ (972) 50 258 8951 


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