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Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso – International Artist

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Pablo Picasso was a Spanish born artist, who was well-known for the distinct style. Especially, he was a co-founder of Cubist movement together with Georges Braque. In his art, he combined styles and techniques. Also, he was an inventor of constructed sculpture, and a co-inventor of collage. Moreover, he described himself mostly as a painter. However, his sculptures and prints as well were very significant. 

Early Life

The father of Pablo Picasso was a painter and a professor of art. He was the first person, who recognized the talent. Furthermore, he started giving lessons to the sun when he turned seven. At the age of 16, Picasso began education at the Royal Academy of San Fernando. Nevertheless, the painter disliked the formal instructions and `stopped attending the classes soon. The young artist spent his time inside Madrid’s Prado, exploring paintings of Francisco Goya and El Greco.

His way to modernism was through realism and symbolism. His first trip to Paris was very difficult, in the beginning he suffered hunger and poverty. The first Blue period (1901-1903) is characterized by monochromatic paintings in shades of blue and blue-green, rarely diverse by other colors. The paintings during this period show malnutrition, prostitution, and the postmortem portraits of friend Carlos Casagemas after his suicide.

The next one Rose period (1904-1906) is more positive. Orange and pink tones were mostly common. American art collectors Leo and Gertrude Stein became to be patrons of Picasso. The artist even created Portrait of Gertrude Stein.


the painter was carried away by Cezanne’s art. He explored the way Cezanne selected the essential from nature in order to demonstrate the unique artistic vision. Additionally, at the same time the traditional African sculpture turned to be a powerful inspiration among European artists. Particularly, Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso, combined African human figures with painting styles derived from the post-Impressionist works of Cezanne and Gauguin. As Picasso wrote: “Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth”.

After the African period (1907-1909) the period of Cubism started (1909-1919). He deconstructed the traditional conventions of perspective. During this period, Georges Braque and Picasso together founded a new technique. Objects were explored in terms of their shapes. Non-painted regular items were on the canvas along with painted areas – that was a new technique of collage of diverse materials. It put an accent on the differences in texture and discussed the challenge of  reality and illusion. The unique approach to the use of color, shape and geometrical figures changed conception’s of the art world.


Picasso is claimed to defining the elements of plastic arts. It was a new art form, that influnced all genres. The material, that was never previously carved or shaped was physically modeled. Volumetric, usually in three dimensions, figures were created with clay, plaster, precious metals and wood.

You can find a large selection of his artwork in Kings Gallery.

Kings Gallery is a leading fine art gallery established in Jerusalem in 1995 that strives to collect and sell the highest quality historic and contemporary Israeli and International art.

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