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  • Reuven Rubin and His Love to Eretz Israel

    Our gallery is proud of our collection of the paintings by Reuven Rubin. Reuven Rubin was a pioneering figurative Israeli artist of the mid-20th and one of the creators of the new Eretz-Israel style. The modernist artist is famous for gentle landscapes of Jerusalem and Galilee. In 1912, he arrived in…

  • “Laundries” by Nachum Gutman

    Please find details of “Laundries” by Nachum Gutman The unique style of Gutman includes a combination of French primitive-naive art, Expressionism and post-impressionism, “Laundries” relate to the latter. The woman on the left has turned away. Detached from her mechanical work she fascinates the viewers, inviting to…

  • Reuven Rubin “Road to Safed”

    Please find details of “Road to Safed” by Reuven Rubin Elegant old olives trees surround the way of a traveler with a donkey. Rubin gives to the trees living characters. Created with impressionistic technique and restrained colors, everything is soft and weightless. The land and…

10 Shlomzion Hamalka st, Jerusalem 9414610
+ (972) 50 258 8951 


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